Kamloops Classic

Location | Kamloops |
Start date | Jun 10, 2022 6:00 AM |
End date | Jun 12, 2022 7:00 PM |
Declaration open | Mar 25, 2022 8:00 AM |
Declaration deadline | May 25, 2022 9:00 PM |
Eligibility | Novice: White Novice: Blue Junior Development Junior Performance Senior Development Senior Performance |
Attachments |
Location: Canada Games Pool, Kamloops BC
New Warmup Times:
Prelims - Friday, Saturday, Sunday AM:
13 & Unders - 6:45am (Please note this age group has been adjusted)
14 & Overs - 7:25am
Finals - Friday, Saturday PM:
All ages - 3:45pm
Finals - Sunday PM:
All Ages - 2:45pm
We will be hosting an informal lunch on Saturday starting at noon; all swimmers and their families are invited - we'll be outside the east corner of the pool (unfortunately, we are not able to hold our usual team dinner/bbq this year)
Swimmers are required at Friday and Saturday finals (including warm-up) even if they're not swimming in finals - everyone is there to cheer on the team! This is a team rule and we expect swimmers to be present, in their team shirts. 10 & Unders who do not have their own finals are still expected to attend the first few events those evenings. Coaches will release them after so that they can get home on time for bed.
Finally, and this is a tough one for many new parents, travel swim meets are not holidays. I know it is exciting to get away from the city, but your children have worked really hard to get to these meets, and train at a level to succeed. When making decisions please protect your child's performances first. A day visiting the lake between heats and finals seems super exciting, but trying to swim fast after waterskiing all afternoon is really hard. This also includes dinners after the meet is over. Coaching staff make all decisions for swimmers based on what is in the best interests of competing well. Please do the same while you are in Kamloops.
Hotel rooms have been set aside for DSSC via the Holiday Inn in Kamloops. Please refer to the link below to book a room for this meet. Please note, there were only a select number of rooms booked for the club.
Delta Sungod Swim Club June 9-12
Swimmers should bring:
- DELTA Sungod Race Suit (this is different than the suit you practice in everyday)
- 2x DELTA cap
- 2x goggles
- DELTA t-shirt
- deck clothes (maybe bring shorts and pants depending on deck temperature)
- deck shoes (most heat is lost via the feet, and it keeps your feet wart free)
- 2x towels
- water bottle
- healthy snacks
- activities (homework, cards, the coaching staff would like swimmers to avoid video games on deck)
- We encourage swimmers to not bring electronic devices. We go as a team and would rather have everyone cheer.